Near Death Experience Stories
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What our authors are seeing
He Died in Surgery, Meets Jesus, & Returns with a Message
“You met Jesus face to face?!” people ask. People usually want to know what Jesus looks like. It is the number-one question I get asked the instant people find out about my encounter with Him during my heavenly visitation. Well, His description is beyond words! I will at least try to describe Him. But first, let me tell you how it all started…
3 Words Saved Him From a Demonic Creature
Something shuffled out of that doorway. It appeared to have a form—large, round. It was on fire. Its body was on fire. Its head was squat on the shoulders and it seemed to be searching around the bottom of this pit for something. Suddenly, it became aware of me…
Man Meets Lung Donor in Heaven
I went to the hospital, got prepped, and got wheeled into the OR. For the first hour or so, things were going okay. But as they were closing me up, the doctor took the clamp off too early. And I bled out. I died on the table. As they’re trying to get me back to life, I saw myself rising off the operating table…