Teresa Hairston

I was born on February 7, 1957, in Cleveland, Ohio, to Elmore (George) Sanders and Mary Elizabeth Kerr Sanders (both deceased). I was the second of two children. When I was about two months old, my family (Mom, Dad and my brother, Mark Douglas Sanders, c. 1955- 2008), moved to Twinsburg, OH. My mother told me that they moved because one day she sat me on the kitchen table and a rat abruptly joined me!

Twinsburg was really rural…ie – “country!” Like people had cows and chickens and gardens. But there we were, living in a make-shift house with my Dad doing odds and ends to make it habitable. Unfortunately, I never knew my father. It seems he had a rather difficult life. He left his home in Birmingham, AL, after some “legal” challenges, and came north (met my mother and settled down), but somewhere along the way contracted tuberculosis. When I was seven months old, he died. From then on, it was Mom, my brother and me.

My mother loved music. Our home was often filled with the sounds of her singing and playing our old piano, although many of the keys had gotten stuck and didn’t work; but she found enough that did to make glorious music! Gospel was her passion, and the genre was in its heyday! She also served as church pianist and sang with the choir.

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