
You have the creative edge!

Imagine walking into a boardroom, sales meeting, or investor presentation sustained by the peace of the Lord, driven by profound joy in His presence, and empowered by a hopeful expectation of His blessing.


Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, followers of Jesus possess the greatest power in the universe! With this amazing power comes a profound responsibility: to lead the forefront of modern business and innovation for the glory of God. The Kingdom-Empowered Entrepreneur will help you do just that.


This book is a personal boot camp for Christian entrepreneurs and business people.

Matt Bell takes you through Biblical principles that are essential for every business owner to know and practice. Each section includes prayers and exercises to activate your faith and unlock revelation for the marketplace.


This book will impart useful Biblical insights on your role as an entrepreneur, igniting your spiritual passion and fueling your business pursuits.

The Kingdom Empowered Entrepreneur Free Feature Message (PDF Download)

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