Destiny Image New Release Program
How it Works
Every month, we’ll send you two hand-picked titles from our top new releases at up to 55% off, plus free shipping.*
NO RISK- Sell the books or return them, no questions asked!
- Choose an alternate title from monthly new releases before cutoff date.*
- Cancel at any time.
Plus, add other products to your New Release Program order before the cutoff date to take full advantage of free freight!*
MORE SAVINGSGet the same high discount on all your orders from Destiny Image.
FIRST MONTH FREEGet your first month’s titles and shipping FREE when you sign up!
Program Plans
- LEVEL 2: Receive two copies of each title every month (4 units total) at 50% off + free freight.* (net 30 term)
- LEVEL 4: Receive four copies of each title every month (8 units total) at 52% off + free freight.* (net 45 terms)
- LEVEL 6: Receive six copies of each title every month (12 units total) at 55% off + free freight.* (net 60 terms)
Receive the same New Release Program Level Discount on all orders you place with Destiny Image!
*Free Freight available within the continental U.S. only. Contact your rep for Alaska and Hawaii offers. Monthly program title substitutions are limited to the current month’s new releases. First month free offer excludes curriculum products. Title substitutions are not applicable with this offer.
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