James Wilson
James Wilson has served the Kingdom of God over four decades as educator, pastor, and founder/president of international parachurch ministry PrayNorthState. He has envisioned and helped organize public Bible Reading Marathons in multiple American cities and in Australia, Malaysia and New Zealand. God gave him vision to organize and lead the first retreat for California legislators. His vision for a California Day of Repentance spanned four states and Canada’s British Columbia. It resulted – by God’s grace – in cultural shifts with pragmatic impact. He has a special heart for ethnic reconciliation and has delivered plenary addresses to multiple World Christian Gatherings on Indigenous Peoples, but his heart is to engage encouraging relationships with indigenous and immigrant leaders. His blog reaches some four hundred thousand readers. He believes the last Great Awakening is just beginning alongside the End Times Tribulation. He is married – to Jillian – and the father of three children.
You can reach Mr. Wilson through his Facebook page - facebook.com/jim.wilson.54922169, or his blog - praynorthstate.wordpress.com.