Bob Larson
Bob has written 30 books, translated into more than a dozen languages. His books include four best-selling novels: "Dead Air," "Abaddon," "The Senator's Agenda," and "Shock Talk." His 500-page handbook, "Larson's Book of Spiritual Warfare," is an encyclopedic reference about demons, the devil, and deliverance and represents a lifetime of research and experience. His 500-page classic work "Larson's Book of Cults" is a standard reference encyclopedia at many colleges and seminaries. His latest book is "Larson's Book of World Religions and Alternative Spirituality." Other books include "Straight Answers on the New Age"; "Satanism: the Seduction of America's Youth"; "In the Name of Satan"; "UFOs and the Alien Agenda"; and "Extreme Evil: Kids Killing Kids."